A problem that frequently occurs when writing unit tests is how to test a unit in isolation from other classes.
One solution to this problem is to create Mock Objects that mimic interface of the classes that the unit depends on. The Mock Object can then return canned values in response to method calls, or check that the expected methods are called with the correct arguments. Mock Objects are described in detail in the paper by Tim Mackinnon and Steve Freeman that can be found on the MockObjects website: http://www.mockobjects.com
One problem with Mock objects is that they can be tedious to create. In a statically typed language every method in the interface must be stubbed out, even if it is never called, or if the test is not interested in the call. Fortunately with a dynamically typed language such as Python there is an alternative way of creating Mock Objects.
The idea behind the Python Mock class is simple. It can mimic any other Python class, and then be examined to see what methods have been called and what the parameters to the call were. The constructor for the Mock class takes an optional dictionary specifying method names and values to return when that method is called. Methods that are not specified in the constructor return None.
Method calls on a Mock Object are caught by the __getattr__ method and stored for later inspection. The __getattr__ method returns an intermediate object (MockCaller) that does all the work, so it is possible to treat it as a bound method.
for example:
>>> from mock import Mock >>> myMock = Mock( {"foo" : "you called foo"} ) >>> myMock.foo() 'you called foo' >>> f = myMock.foo >>> f <mock.MockCaller instance at 15d46d0> >>> f() 'you called foo' >>> f( "wibble" ) 'you called foo' >>>
It is possible to specify that successive calls to a method returns a sequence of values by using the ReturnValues or ReturnIterator objects.
Sometimes you may need to access attributes of the Mock class that are not methods. The simplest way is to create the Mock object first then assign the attributes required before they are needed. For example:
>>> from mock import Mock >>> myMock = Mock() >>> myMock.greeting = "hello world" >>> print myMock.greeting hello world >>>
Alternatively if the mock object is to be created in several places it may be preferable to create a subclass of Mock that initialises the attributes in the constructor.
As well as making the history of method calls available for inspection, the Mock class also allows you to set up expectations, which are assertions made at the time that a method is called. See below for more details on expectations.
One other issue to be aware of is that __getattr__ takes precedence over the the normal builtin methods that classes have by default, such as __repr__, __str__, __hash__ etc. For example,
>>> print myMock
will fail since __repr__ will return None instead of a string.
If the code you are testing makes use of these methods then you will need to derive a class from Mock that supplies the correct behaviour (see below for more on extending Mock).
Here is an example of how to use it in action. Assume you are testing an application that communicates with a database using the Python DB2.0 API. You want to write a test for a function called 'persistData', but without having to create a database connection, populate the database with test data, etc. The persistData function takes two parameters - an object with the data to persist, and a database connection object. You can write the test like this:
class PersistanceTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testPersistData(self): #set up the mock objects mockCursor = Mock() mockDB = Mock( { "cursor" : mockCursor } ) #call the function to be tested persistData(testData, mockDB) #test the correct calls were made on the database objects mockDB.mockCheckCall(0, 'cursor') mockCursor.mockCheckCall(0, 'execute', '...some SQL...', someData) mockCursor.mockCheckCall(1, 'execute', '...more SQL...', moreData) mockDB.mockCheckCall(1, 'commit') mockDB.mockCheckCall(2, 'close')
The test creates two mock objects, one for the database, and one for the cursor object that is returned when the cursor() method is called on the database.
The Mock class has the following methods:
__init__(self, **methodReturnValues):
Initialises the mock object. It takes keyword parameters that specifies return values for mocked methods. Methods that are not specified in the constructor will return None.
The return values can be assigned either a single object, which will be returned on every call, or to an instance of the ReturnValues(*values) or ReturnIterator(iterator) classes.
These are created with a series of values or an iterator that returns a series of values respectively, and each call to the method will return the next element in the sequence. If there are more calls made than there are elements in the sequence then an AssertionError will be raised.
For example:
>>> mock = Mock( { "getSquares":ReturnValues(1,4,9) } ) >>> mock.getSquares() 1 >>> mock.getSquares() 4 >>> mock.getSquares() 9 >>> mock.getSquares() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ? File "C:\prj\mock\mock.py", line 99, in __call__ return returnVal File "C:\prj\mock\mock.py", line 107, in next def __iter__(self): AssertionError: No more return values >>>
mockAddReturnValues(self, **methodReturnValues ):
Add more return values to a mock object. See the notes for __init__. If a return value is specified for an existing method name, then the previous return value is replaced with the new one.
Returns a list of MockCall objects, encapsulating all the calls in the order they were made.
mockGetNamedCalls( name ):
Takes the name of a method and returns a list of MockCall objects representing the calls to that method, in the order they were made.
mockCheckCall(self, tester, index, name, *args, **kwargs)
Test that the index-th call to the mock object has the specified method name and parameters. Uses tester.assertEqual to do the tests. For example:
class MockTestCase( unittest.TestCase ): def test_single_call( self ): mock = Mock() mock.testMethod( "hello", key="some value" ) mock.mockCheckCall(self, 0, 'testMethod', "hello", key="some value" )
mockSetExpectation(name, testFn, after=0, until=0):
Sets an expectation on the method called 'name'. Every time the method is called the testFn is called to check that the expectation is correct. The method takes the following parameters:
mockObject: the Mock object that the method is on callObject: the MockCall object representing the current call count: the total number of calls that have previously been made on the mockObject. i.e. the first method called will have a count of 0.The testFn should return True if the expectation succeeds, and false if it does not. If an expectation fails then the mock object will raise an exception.
You can specify that the expectation only applies to a range of calls using the optional 'after' and 'until' parameters. For example: mockSetExpectation(... after=2, until=5) will create an expectation that will start after 2 calls have been made to the method, and stop on the 5th call, so will only be called on the 3rd and 4th calls to the method.
Several expectations can be set up on the same method, and they will be tested in turn.
Example: Create an expectation on method foo that the first parameter will be less than ten.:
>>> mock = Mock( { "foo" : 42 } ) >>> mock.mockSetExpectation('foo', lambda mockobj, call, count: call.getParam(0) < 10) >>> mock.foo(5) 42 >>> mock.foo(50) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ? File "C:\prj\mock\mock.py", line 96, in __call__ returnVal = self.mock.mockReturnValues.get(self.name) AssertionError: Expectation failed: foo(50) >>>
There are some pre-defined expectation functions. See below for details.
The MockCall class encapsulates a single call. It saves the name of the method and the parameters passed to it, both positional and keyword.
It has the following methods for retrieving this information:
The standard Python string conversion returns a human-readable version of the method call, approximately as it would look in the source code. Keyword parameters are sorted into alphabetical order.
>>> myMock.SomeMethod( 2*2, 3+3, x=100, y=50, spam="blah blah blah" ) >>> call = myMock.mockGetNamedCalls('SomeMethod')[0] >>> print call SomeMethod(4, 6, spam='blah blah blah', x=100, y=50)
Returns the name of the method.
Returns one of the parameters to the call. If index is an integer the method returns a positional parameter. If index is a string then it returns a keyword parameter.
Example (following on from above):
>>> call.getParam(0) 4 >>> call.getParam(1) 6 >>> call.getParam('x') 100 >>> call.getParam('spam') 'blah blah blah'
checkArgs(*args, **kwargs):
Asserts that the positional and keyword arguments to the call were the same as args and kwargs. Based on a suggestion by Max Ischenko. It can be used in a unit test like this:
class MockTestCase( unittest.TestCase ): def test_single_call( self ): mock = Mock() mock.testMethod( "hello", key="some value" ) call = mock.mockGetAllCalls()[0] call.checkArgs(self, "hello", key="some value" )
There are currently four predefined expectations, and more may be added in future. These are factory functions that return the actual expecation functions - see the source for details.
expectParams(*params, **keywordParams):
sets the expectation that the parameters to the method will match the given params and keywordParams. The match much be exact - e.g. missing keyword parameters will cause the expectation to fail.
checks that all the methods specified have been called before the current method. This can be used for example to ensure that an initialisation method has been called before the object is used.
expectException(exception, *params, **kwparams):
throws an exception with the given parameters. By default this throws an exception on the first call to the method, but if it is given a keyword parameter of "expectSuccessfulCalls" with an integer argument then it will allow that many calls to succeed.
For Example:
>>> mock = Mock() >>> mock.mockSetExpectation('foo', expectException(IndexError, expectSuccessfulCalls=2)) >>> mock.foo() >>> mock.foo() >>> mock.foo() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ? File "E:\prj\mock\new\mock.py", line 215, in __call__ self.checkExpectations(thisCall, params, kwparams) File "E:\prj\mock\new\mock.py", line 245, in checkExpectations assert expectation(self.mock, thisCall, len(self.mock.mockAllCalledMethods)-1), 'Expectation failed: '+str(thisCall) File "E:\prj\mock\new\mock.py", line 308, in fn raise exception(*args, **kwargs) IndexError >>>
expectParam(paramIdx, cond):
asserts that a single parameter matches the condition 'cond'. 'paramIdx' can either be an integer for a positional parameter, or a string for a keyword parameter. 'cond' is a callable object that is passed the parameter and returns True if the condition succeeds, and False if it does not. There are a number of predefined cond function objects:
EQ(value) tests that the parameter is equal to value
NE(value) tests that the parameter is not equal to value
LT(value) tests that the parameter is less than to value
LE(value) tests that the parameter is less than or equal to value
GT(value) tests that the parameter is greater than value
GE(value) tests that the parameter is greater than or equal to value
- AND(*condlist) combines several conditionals by AND-ing them together. This allows
complex conditional statements to be created.
- OR(*condlist) combines several conditionals by OR-ing them together. This allows
complex conditional statements to be created.
NOT(cond) reverses the value of another conditional.
- MATCHES(regex, flags=0) matches the parameter with a regex. Flags can be passed to the
method just as for the re.match function.
- SEQ(*sequence) Takes a sequence of conditionals and compares them on successive calls to the
method being tested. For example:
mock.mockSetExpectation('someMethod', expectParam(0, SEQ( EQ(10), EQ(20), GT(100) ) ) )will check that on the first call to mock.someMethod, parameter 0 is equal to 10, on the second call it is equal to 20, on the third call it is greater than 100.
If the method has more calls than the length of the sequence, then an exception is raised and the test will fail.
NOTE: the sequence is incremented only when this conditional is called. AND and OR conditionals will do short circuit evaluations, so if SEQ is used in combination with them it may get out of step and lead to unexpected results.
IS(object) tests for object identity, just like the 'is' keyword.
ISINSTANCE(class) tests that the parameter is an instance of the given class.
ISSUBCLASS(class) tests that the parameter is a subclass of the given class
CONTAINS(value) tests that the parameter contains the given value (using the 'in' operator).
IN(container) tests that the parameter is in the given container (using the 'in' operator).
HASATTR(attr) tests that the parameter has the given attribute. The 'attr' paramter must be a string with the attribute name.
CALLABLE tests that the parameter is a callable object, e.g. a function, class, or bound method.
HASMETHOD(method) tests that parameter has the given method - i.e. that it has an attribute with that name and that the attribute is callable. The 'method' parameter must be a string with the name of the method.
Some examples:
# test that parameter 0 is an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive mock.mockSetExpectation('someMethod', expectParam( 0, AND( ISINSTANCE(int), GE(0), LE(100) ) ) ) # test that the keyword attribute 'color' has the value 'RED', 'GREEN' or 'BLUE' mock.mockSetExpectation('someMethod', expectParam( 'color', IN( ['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE'] ) ) ) # test that parameter 0 is a dictionary that does not contain the key 'foo' mock.mockSetExpectation('someMethod', expectParam( 0, AND( ISINSTANCE(dict), NOT(CONTAINS('foo') ) ) ) )
There are times when the default behaviour of the Mock class is not sufficient for the tests you want to perform. Perhaps you need a method that does more than return the same value every time, or you want to make assertions about the call at the point that it is made rather than afterwards, or you want to raise an exception from within a method to test your unit's error handling. To do all these simply derive a new class from Mock and add the methods with the specialised behaviour. All the other methods will still be handled by the Mock class.
There is one issue to watch out for. If you want the call to your specialised method to be recorded along with all the other methods then you must pass the method call up to the base class. However you cannot do this in the normal way because of the way that the call is intercepted by __getattr__. Instead the method must call __getattr__ directly to get a MockCaller object, then call the MockCaller to pass it the parameters.
For example:
class MockSub( Mock ): def getSquare( self, x ): '''return the square of the parameter passed''' #call base class method so that it gets recorded Mock.__getattr__(self, 'getSquare')( x ) return x*x
One problem with using Mocks in Python is that the unit tests can get out of sync with the production code. An interface method that is called through a mock object in a unit test may later be renamed in production code, but the mock and some production code that called it may be left using the old name.
To protect against such problems, you can optionally pass in a class that is being mocked to the Mock constructor. As each call is made to the Mock object, it will check that a method with that name also exists on the real class, and the call parameters match the argument list of the original method.
class MyOriginalClass: def writeUserToDb(self, user): '''Write the user to the database.''' longRunningFunction(user) #... >>> from mock import Mock >>> myMock = Mock({"writeUserToDb" : False}, MyOriginalClass) >>> myMock.unknownFunc() [snip traceback] mock.MockInterfaceError: Calling mock method 'unknownFunc' that was not found in the original class >>> myMock.writeUserToDb(None, 1) [snip traceback] mock.MockInterfaceError: Original writeUserToDb() takes 2 arguments (3 given)
Methods with varargs, keyword parameters and/or defaults are also supported.
Sometimes you don't want to mock all the methods of a class; the real methods in the original class may be fine for many methods. For instance, a class that implements a template method pattern is designed to be subclassed. Template methods must each be implemented by all subclasses.
You may want to assert how template methods are called based upon calls to the base class interface methods. In cases like this, you can multiply inherit from both the production class and from the Mock class. By subclassing from both, you get the default behaviours of the original methods, and method call recording from the Mock class.
For example:
class TemplateMethodBase: def func(self, x): '''Calls template method "overflow" if x is too big.''' if x > 10000000: self.overflow(x) return x*x def overflow(self, x): raise NotImplementedError class TemplateMethodMock(TemplateMethodBase, Mock): def overflow(self, x): print "%d might be a little too big" % x >>> m = TemplateMethodMock() >>> m.func(20000000) 20000000 may be a little too big 400000000000000L >>> print m.mockGetAllCalls()[0] func(20000000) >>> print m.mockGetAllCalls()[1] overflow(20000000)
This feature can be used in conjunction with expectations, for example to cause a method call on a non-mock object to raise an exception.
This Python module and associated files are released under the FreeBSD license. Essentially, you can do what you like with it except pretend you wrote it yourself.
Copyright (c) 2005, Dave Kirby All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of this library nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. mock@thedeveloperscoach.com